
Theatre Information

Staying in touch with ShowBizRadio

By • Feb 3rd, 2006 • Category: ShowBizRadio

ShowBizRadio has made it even easier for you to stay up to date with our reviews and articles.

  1. You can read the web site daily. New reviews and articles are posted on the web site regularly. Reviews (both audio and a full transcript) are posted the day after we see a show.
  2. You can subscribe to our site’s newsfeed. Your news reader automatically reads the newsfeed, and lets you know when updated articles are available. This saves you time.
  3. You can subscribe to our podcast. Our podcast is the recording of Mike and Laura talking about the shows they’ve seen. A podcast allows you to listen to the review from your portable music device, allowing you to listen during your commute, workout, or while running errands.
  4. You can now join our mailing list. This will deliver an email message into your email inbox every time we post new articles on the web site. This way you have no new software to install and learn, plus you can can decide if you are interested in our review or article.
  5. And of course, you can listen to a wide range of Broadway showtunes on our Internet radio station. (Update: The Internet radio station is gone, royalties got too expensive.)

Thanks for your interest. If you have any ideas or comments on any of this, feel free to leave a comment here, or send an email to us.

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started ShowBizRadio in August 2005 because they love live theater. They each have both performed in and worked behind the scenes in DC area productions, as well as earned a Career Studies Certificate in Theater from Northern Virginia Community College.