
Theatre Information

Our First Review on Video

By • Jan 18th, 2008 • Category: ShowBizRadio

We’ve been wanting to explore using video for some of our reviews or interviews. During yesterday’s snow storm, I experimented with combining our audio review of Dominion Stage‘s The Wild Party with the press photos they provided us. I will admit I’m not thrilled with how this turned out, but for a first attempt, it’s not bad. Adding captions to the photos will help, and our audio was far too long, which ended up that each photo is displayed for around 30 seconds. Some of the photos are very blurry, because of the way video and photo compression kicked in with all of the processing that was done.

We’re wondering if having video reviews or interviews would be useful or not. Let us know.

The original review (audio and transcript) is posted on ShowBizradio.

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started ShowBizRadio in August 2005 because they love live theater. They each have both performed in and worked behind the scenes in DC area productions, as well as earned a Career Studies Certificate in Theater from Northern Virginia Community College.